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Cangshan OLIV Series Knife Block Set: A User Experience Review

Considering Investing in a High-End Knife Set?

The Cangshan OLIV Series 15-Piece Knife Block Set is a premium collection designed for serious home cooks and those seeking a culinary upgrade. But with a price tag of nearly $800, is it worth the investment? This review dives deep into user experiences to help you decide.

Sharpness and Performance

Across reviews, the most consistent praise goes to the exceptional sharpness of these knives. Users report effortlessly gliding through ingredients and a significant reduction in prep time. The Swedish 14C28N steel is lauded for its ability to hold an edge for extended periods, minimizing sharpening needs.

Aesthetics and Design

The Cangshan OLIV series boasts a beautiful combination of modern and traditional aesthetics. The olivewood handles are praised for their unique grain patterns and comfortable grip, although some users note a lighter weight than anticipated. The included maple block adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen counter.

Durability and Care

The Cangshan knives are built with longevity in mind. The high-quality steel and lifetime warranty inspires confidence. However, it’s important to remember these are not your average dishwasher-safe knives. Handwashing and proper care are essential to maintain their beauty and performance.

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Points to Consider



  • High Price Point: This is a significant investment, and some users may find the price tag difficult to justify. Consider your cooking frequency and budget before committing.
  • Handle Weight and Care: While some users appreciate the balance of the olivewood handles, others find them lighter than desired. Additionally, olivewood requires occasional maintenance with food-grade oil to prevent drying and cracking.
  • Not Dishwasher Safe: These knives require handwashing and proper care to maintain their beauty and performance. This can be inconvenient for some cooks who prefer the ease of dishwashing.
  • Potential for Staining: While the Swedish 14C28N steel resists stains better than German steel, some users report minor discoloration after use. Proper cleaning and storage can help minimize this.
  • Learning Curve for Sharpening: While the knives hold an edge well, eventually sharpening will be necessary. High-quality knives require specific sharpening techniques to maintain their integrity. If you’re unfamiliar with proper sharpening methods, you may need to invest in a sharpening tool or outsource the task to a professional.

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The Verdict

The Cangshan OLIV Series 15-Piece Knife Block Set offers exceptional sharpness, beautiful design, and heirloom quality. However, the price tag is a significant hurdle. If you’re a passionate home cook who appreciates top-tier performance and aesthetics, and you’re willing to invest in proper care, this set could be a worthwhile splurge. But if budget is a major concern, or you prefer a heavier knife, there might be better options available.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your individual needs and priorities. Consider your cooking habits, budget, and preferred knife feel before making your choice.

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